
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

So the people I have met over the past few weeks have been so amazing and have taught me so much and grown me so much either in the way of speaking Spanish or just growing in my relationship with myself or God.

So the first person I want to talk about is Scott Esposito he is a very wise man and I learned so much from him and the wisdom he offered our team is big and so good. I am so grateful he opened his heart to the ministry he opened and he allowed us to come in and help a community they are already helping so much. 

The next person I would love y’all to get a glimpse of is Journey Esposito Scott’s daughter. She is an amazing person kind, gentle, very wise, and humble. Journey loves the women of Granada so much and it’s so prevalent in the way she disciples them and just pushes them toward God. She also has such a big heart for the teams she brings in. Our team felt nothing but loved and cared for at Reap and they took care of us so well. 

Another group I would love to mention is THE AMAZING KITCHEN STAFF! Those women are the most amazing people I have meet they are funny, sweet, amazing cooks, they care for us, and good Spanish teachers. These women were the first people I met at Reap the day we got there and I stayed in the kitchen all day and they genuinely want to get to know you and I don’t know very much Spanish and they don’t know much English but it is so amazing to just talk to them, laugh with them and just know them. Best part has to be when you don’t know what they are saying or they don’t know what you are saying and you just stare at each other and laugh. 

But the next person I had the pleasure of meeting is Allie! Y’all Allie is an inter that works there and she is also a translator and she is hilarious. She is funny tho without trying to be like she is serious about something and we will all laugh because it’s just funny. But when i first met her she immediately looked just like my mom and it’s actually kinda crazy. But she is the sweetest like she is just so caring and has a heart that is so open to The Lord’s love and it’s admiring to see her hands wide open to what the Lord wants and has planned for her and what he wants for her life. I love you Allie! Thank You Lord! 

The Next person I would love to tell you about is Reiley! Reiley is so nice, genuine, and so wise. She is a great person to go to if you need to feel heard or just want to talk. She is a great translator and a great friend. I am so glad to be able to know her and have met her. She is and amazing woman and an a true light of the Lord’s love and it is amazing. I Love You Reiley! 

SUMMER RAE MOON! Y’all Summer is literally the person the Lord knew I needed to met. He is so funny sometimes and he is just amazing because he is just like here is this person who can make you truly feel know and seen. The first conversation me and her had we just hit it off we were at children’s ministry and we got to talking about never feeling like you can truly be yourself and how we are always the loudest or the weirdest and I just connected to her so much. But Summer is the funnest person like she is just as random as me. Summer is literally hilarious and I thank God that I know her. She is great!

The translators are also so amazing. A lot of them are Christians and some of them aren’t as strong of Christians and us sharing to the community we get to encourage them as well. They clearly love their community as well and it is just so amazing to see and get to know them and see their heart in way of loving their community by taking us to share to people.