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Hey everyone! It’s been a while, I would love to talk about what my week looks like here in Nicaragua! So everyday we wake up at 5am and pray and never knew how important it was to have that alone time with God and it’s literally my favorite part of everyday! But the schedule is the same every week but different everyday but like breakfast is always at 7:30, Lunch at 12, dinner at 5:30 and somethings are consistent. But Mondays we babysit the local kids who’s parents work on the farm or we have a local missionary family from the UK who just moved here so we babysit their kids as well we do that from 9-11 and then we have lunch. Then we have prayer room from 12-2 and the prayer room is a room the ministry host designated for alone time with God or worship or whatever you want to do in their to just sit with God it’s truly amazing. After that we do prayer walking from 3-5 and that look different every-time  we will drive to a specific part of the city or we do to specific peoples houses or we just walk around the neighborhood near the farm and evangelize, The people here are so welcoming and so quick to open their homes to you it’s so amazing! On Tuesday we have farm work and we have 70 acres and all we usually do it pull weeds and yard work nothing crazy…lol and we do that from 9-11 and we eat lunch and then we have a break from 1-3 and then we do prayer walking from 3-5 and prayer walking is my favorite ministry honestly. On Wednesday we do the kids ministry so we drive to the country and go to a church and host like a VBS program almost for the kids with skits and a Bible story and a craft and lunch and we do that from 10-2 and after that we are done for the day and my team that I’m with TEAM EDEN we go to a local coffee shop and share our testimonies or we will go to the market it’s so much fun and then we come back and have dinner at 5:30. On Thursday which is arguably one of our most tiring days so on Thursday we do prayer walking which is from 9-12:30 but it’s really not a walk it’s a hike tbh but we go to the same peoples house every week so it’s 5 houses and they are so so so sweet and just hearing their hope is so amazing and what’s the lord doing like here. In Nicaragua every is so like slow but in America it’s go go go and here like it’s amazing to see them give up everything to God even when they have nothing to our standards but to them it’s everything and they are willing to do that and give up everything for him but how many of us are willing to that just to follow Jesus? Like they could part with everything and be like Lord have everything I have and with us it’s like Lord please don’t take this away or Lord you provided this why take it away and it’s so easy to get caught up in. Sorry that was so off track but it’s just been my thoughts since I’ve been here lol. What was I talking about OHHHH Thursday after the prayer walking we go to back to the farm and eat much and have a micro-church which is like a home church from 2-3:30 and then after that we have another micro-church at 6 so we eat dinner at 4:30 this day we have can eat and be done with our plates and everything before the kitchen staff leave for the day but the micro-church at 6 so lovely it’s so amazing I love it everyone is so loving there. Thennnnn on Fridayyyyy we have Dump ministry which that is where people live at the local dump and separate stuff and they make 40 dollars a month for their family and it’s one of the poorest parts of the city so we go there and hold a church service and provide a meal and the people there are so filled with hope and love for the Lord it’s so cool! And then after that we go to the hospital and pray over people and even if they aren’t believers they want prayer and they just some form of hope that for them it’s almost a last resort and since we have been here we have seen two healings on my team just from prayer walking and going to the hospital and it’s so amazing to see God working! Then on Saturday it’s sabbath and that’s sabbath because on Sunday they have a sports day on the farm and we wanted to participate in that and do that. So Saturday we aren’t allowed to leave the farm. But Sunday is our adventure day so we can go wherever we want to on that day. And I love this place so much the people the culture the ministry host is amazing. Fun fact: first Spanish phrase was “mantequilla de maní cremosa” which means creamy peanut butter. (Mr. Dan if you’re reading this think of David’s house at SP)…

8 responses to “I’m in Nicaragua babyyyyyyyy”

  1. The farmers are so sweet! The men who work on the farm are locals who live around here and the farm helps a lot of the men get clean from addiction and also gets them involved in Bible studies and they all love the lord!

  2. Really like all the ministries you are involved with, especially like the part where you all gather in the coffee shop to share testimonies, so cool!! Yeh, it’s a culture shock going from gogogo, to slooooowsloooowslowwww! Yeh, it’s hard to understand how they can be happy with nothing when we are all caught up materialism. But, it’s really not happiness, it’s joy, it’s contentment, it’s a love for the Lord who takes care of all there needs and provides hope. As you noticed, some of that hope is the Lord working in you in their lives.

  3. Tha is so much for sharing what you are doing each day!!! We know that the Lord will work through you mightily during your time there and can’t wait to hear about all that you experience, especially the dump ministry. What an awesome opportunity!! We love ya!!!

  4. Kaleya, I am glad you are learning some Spanish; you will not go hungry with that phrase! You sound very busy, but everything you do sounds so rewarding for you and the people you serve. God is at work. I love hearing that your favorite time of the day is to rise and spend time with the Lord. That is my favorite time as well. Thank you for sharing what the Lord is doing in your life. Praying for you. Love you.

  5. Yeah it’s definitely the joy of the Lord and they have so much of it. It’s so contagious!

  6. Oh Kaleya! It is so interesting to know of all the wonderful things you and your team are doing. It just blesses my heart!
    I love the fact that you are able to help the farmers. They are dear to my heart!
    Continued prayers for you.
    Love, Mrs. Ginger